Wiki Grayskull
Alligator Lion

Alligator Lions are animals presumably native to Trolla. As their name implies, they have the head of an alligator and the body of a lion. It's tail resembles that that of an alligator moreso than that of a lion, albeit smaller in size. They are aggressive animals that are effective guards.

Dragoon used an Alligator Lion to guard the path to his fortress Dragoon's Keep on Trolla. The guardian was held on a leash, but still managed to bar the way of Prince Adam and Cringer. While facing the Alligator Lion, Cringer and Adam finally figured out a way for them to transform into He-Man and Battle Cat, as the rules of magic were referesed on Trolla and they has been unable to do so earlier.

They transformed into their more powerful alter ego's just before the rope around the Alligator Lion's neck snapped. The creature lept at He-Man, who responded by jamming the Alligator Lion's snapping mouth with a piece of wood. This seemed to calm the Alligator Lion down, as it gave up the fight and wanered off with the wooden stump still stuck in it's mouth.

