Wiki Grayskull

Arrow is a horse that serves as Bow's steed in the Princess of Power toyline and accompanying franchise.

The Arrow figure is a blue pegasus with detachable wings. As some merchandise art shows Arrow without wings, it's unknown if the intention is that he's a pegasus, a normal horse (with the wings added for mere marketing value) or a horse who can transform into a pegasus like Swift Wind.


  • The Filmation cartoon clearly established Arrow as a normal horse, albeit orange instead of blue.
  • In the Princess of Power series bible by Filmation, Arrow was a stallion named Streak.
  • In the earliest draft of the script for Into Etheria, Arrow was referred to as 'Firehoof'. This was later changed to 'Allegro'. The name Arrow does not appear in any version of the script to the first episode at all.

Filmation Appearances[]

