Wiki Grayskull

This page is about the Mike Young Productions version of Captain Miro. For the Filmation version, see King Miro

Captain Miro was the father of King Randor and the paternal grandfather of Prince Adam.


In the 2002 animated series Miro was never king in this version of continuity, as the Council of Elders were the governing faction on Eternia for centuries. Miro is identified as Randor's father and Adam's grandfather. Captain Miro led an army to defeat the evil Count Marzo when he attacked the Council of Elders.

Years later, Miro's son Randor succeeded him as captain of the guard and defended the same Council of Elders from Keldor's attack. Prior to leaving, the Council crowned Randor king and gave a cryptic remark that "a great hero" would rise one day, but gave no further instruction.


The DVD Release for cartoon by BCI Eclipse LLC had short bios for the main characters. In the Volume 2 (2008) release, Keldor's text mentions that he is the half-brother to Randor. Before this, the only confirmation had come from producer Ian Richter during a Q&A over at discussion forums (April 24th, 2005).


He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2002)[]

Season One (2002-2003)
