Wiki Grayskull
This article is about the Mike Young Productions character. You may be looking for the original character.

Cringer as seen in the 2002 Mike Young Productions cartoon series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2002)


In the stories based on the 2002 relaunch, Cringer does not speak and is presented as a mere pet, albeit an intelligent one. He does occcasinally manage to display great courage in times of crisis. In The Courage of Adam, he and Orko are tasked to rescue Adam from Snake Moutain, and Orko casts a spell on Cringer to make his fur resemble that of Panthor, despite the fact that Panthor is far larger and more muscular than him. On at least one other occasion, Cringer saved the life of Adam, facing great danger of his own.


He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2002)[]

Season One (2002-2003)

Season Two (2003-2004)

Comic Book appearances[]


