Wiki Grayskull

Cry Havoc, Part 1 is the ninth episode of the animated television series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. It was released September 16, 2021.


Adam and the Masters of the Universe finally face Skeletor before he summons his own powerful Dark Masters for a savage showdown at Snake Mountain.


This section of the article contains spoilers that would otherwise ruin the plot/storyline. Read at your own risk!

When the real Dolos finally returned to the palace, he was treated as a traitor and interogated by the King. Dolos told his King that Keldor was his real enemy and Tuvar noted that this information lined up with the words of Prince Adam. Dolos was surprised that Adam was still alive and lamented that he never should have allowed the King to stop searching for his son ten years earlier. Dolos was willing to accept punishment for this. Instead, the King released him and decided he could still trust the General. Randor gave Dolos command over the Red Legion.

Mewnwhile at castle Grayskull Eldress told Ork-O to find go and find Krass, she also reassured he by tell him that unlike his namesake he has true heart with that knowledge Orko flies off to go and help the other masters of the universeie

The Masters of the Universe — minus Krass — arrive at Skeletor's hiding place located in the Fright Zone. They decide not to power up as doing so would give away their position to Skeletor. The young masters are sneaking past the Battle Bones untill Duncan is eaten by one of the Battle Bones, Cringer frees him from the Battle Bone with his new claws. They find, however, that Skeletor is already aware of their presence and powered up before entering Snake Mountain.

Orko arrives in the jungle surrounding the Tiger Tribe to speak with Krass. He tells her that Eldress has requested her assistance in aiding the Masters of the Universe, but Krass is reluctant to accept. Instead, she remarks that she's protecting the woods and the Tiger Tribe.

Back at Skeletor's castle, the Masters of the Universe have entered and are sure that it's a trap. Nonetheless, they find themselves locked within a room where they come face to face with Skeletor and his associates. Quickly, it becomes clear that Skeletor has gifted his friends with extraordinary abilities in a similar way to Adam. Evelyn has become Evil-Lyn, R'Qazz has become Beast Man, and Kronis has become Trap Jaw. With a swift spell, Evil-Lyn splits the gang up and each goes on to battle their alter-ego on Skeletor's team.

Despite his abilities, things become increasingly difficult for He-Man when Skeletor is uses his Havoc Strike to combat He-man's Lightning Strike, but when magical chains emerged from the Havoc Staff and breaks the Sword of Grayskull in two. The Masters of the Universe immediately reverted to their normal selves and were captured Moments later, Skeletor is able to shatter the Sword of Power, causing all of the Masters of the Universe to lose their abilities and are captured.

While Ram Ma'am was confronting a Bot, she suddenly reverted back to Krass, she realized that something must have happened to the source of her power, the Sword of Grayskull and to Adam.

The young masters wake up to find themselves chained up, Cringer askes Adam what happed and his tells the his friends the the sword of power is destroyed and without the sword of power they have no way of defeating Skeletor and his dark masters. Teela reassures him by telling his that King Randor has sent the Red Legion to aid them.

Skeletor is pleased that the young masters are awake so that he can show them that Dolos is actually under the spell of Skeletor's Havoc Power and he's had the Red Legion upgraded to Trap Jaw and Beast Man's specificiations. When the Legion arrived at Snake Mountain, Skeletor takes command of the Royal Guardsmen with his Havoc Staff, and told the captive Masters of the Universe to join him or drown in Havoc matter.



Masters of the Universe
Royal Palace
Dark Masters



  • Sky-Sleds
  • Wind Raider
  • Poacher Ship


  • Navits



  • Snake Mountain is located in a region called the 'Fright Zone'. Usually this name is associated with the headquarters of the Evil Horde and located on Eternia's sister planet, Etheria. The UK World Masters of the Universe Annuals and German Motu Audio plays did feature versions of the Fright Zone located on Eternia, but they were never connected to Skeletor's Dark Masters or the history of the Snake Men.
  • When the Masters arrive outside Snake Mountain, Skeletor addresses them via a microphone. One of the play features in the 1984 Snake Mountain play-set was a large microphone which provided the voice of anyone who spoke into it with an ominous echo.



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Based on:
Release date