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Jeremy is one of Prince Adam's younger cousins. His exact relationship to the Eternian royal family is unclear, though he is presumably the son of one of King Randor's siblings, and thus the grandson of King Miro. Jeremy's royal title, if he has one, is never stated in the episode.

Jeremy was only a baby when Adam first saw him, and the two did not meet again until about a decade later. At that time Jeremy was an ill-tempered, disagreeable whippersnapper. However, his misadventure with Evil-Lyn and the rock softener taught him a lesson in humility.


When Jeremy visited the Royal Palace of Eternos as a young teen, his older cousin Adam was told by his father the King to look after Jeremy during his stay.

Adam introduced Jeremy to Man-At-Arms and Orko in Man-At-Arms' Laboratory. Jeremy was dismissive of Man-At-Arms, even mocking his real name, Duncan. Orko offered to show Jeremy some magic, but the young royal was more interested in one of Duncan's new inventions: the Rock softener. Without asking, Jeremy decided to test the device on the legs of one of the laboratory tables, causing it to collapse and spill it's contents. Duncan reminded Adam that he needed him to test the Rock softener out on the plains. Therefore, the Prince asked Ram Man to keep an eye on Jeremy. Soon, the royal cousin was forcing Ram Man to humiliate himself by catapulting into a pond in the royal courtyard. With Ram Man distracted, Jeremy took off on a Sky-Sled, despite Adam having told him he could not use any of the vehicles. Ram Man managed to jump and grab on to the sled, but then found himself hanging on to it as Jeremy refused to stop.

When Jeremy finally agreed to take the sled down, he found the controls were stuck. But suddenly He-Man appeared out of nowhere, leapt into the air and grabbed onto the Sky-Sled before it crashed into a rocky mountain. Jeremy was excited to meet his hero in person, and failed to see the danger he had put himself and Ram Man in since everything turned out all right. Back at the Royal Palace, Adam punished Jeremy for his actions by telling him he was not allowed to visit the street market as planned. Jeremy left his room anyway, and tried out a Magneto Boomerang at a market stall. When the salesman insisted that Jeremy didn't have enough money to buy one, an older female arrived and offered the salesman a valuable coin. She told Jeremy he could keep the boomerang if he helped her to "play a joke on her old friend Man-At-Arms". She asked the boy to bring her the Rock Softener and Jeremy gladly agreed.

Shortly afterwards, while King Randor informed Jeremy he would be returning home the next day, Man-At-Arms entered the throne room in alarm to tell them the Rock softener had been stolen. He and Adam quickly realized that the device would be used against the hardest substance on the planet: the walls of Castle Grayskull. When Jeremy confessed he had given the device to a woman, Man-At-Arms surmised it must have been Evil-Lyn in disguise. He-Man and Man-At-Arms hurried to Grayskull on a Battle Ram. Feeling bad about his actions, Jeremy followed them on an Android Horse.

At the castle, Jeremy was shocked to see that He-Man had gotten caught in the Rock softener's beam and was severely weakened. Man-At-Arms, whose legs were trapped by tangling vines, implored Jeremy to use his boomerang to get the softener. Just as the evil warrior Tri-Klops picked up the device, Jeremy's boomerang managed to snatch it out of his hands. Man-At-Arms reversed it's effects on He-Man. With his strength returned, He-Man grabbed both of the evil warriors and asked Man-At-Arms to lock them up in a Porta-Prison.

The following day, before Jeremy departed from the palace, he apologized for his bad behaviour. Man-At-Arms complimented Jeremy on his prowess with the Magneto Boomerang, and Adam ensured his cousin that even He-Man was glad to have received help from Jeremy. As his shuttle began to lift off, Jeremy stated that he would never forget his trip, and from then on always to listen to people who cared about him. Then Orko arrived on the scene, carrying Jeremy's boomerang. He tried to hurl it after the transport, but the boomerang soon returned and chased Orko instead.



  • Jeremy's character model was used again in the second season story Battlecat during a flashback set in Adam's youth.


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