Wiki Grayskull

Lady Arvela is a character in He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.


Lady Arvela is the daughter of the magician Landros, who accidentally transported himself to the Realm of Evil and was taken hostage by Angast. In desperation to see her father freed, she summoned Angast and promised to let him see the Starchild, who she took from the Royal Palace while she slept. Angast, however, did not uphold his end of the bargain and teleported Arvela and the Starchild to the Realm of Evil along with He-Man, Battle Cat, Orko, and Bowena. They tried to flee with Landros, who berated Arvela for endangering an innocent child, and eventually found a gateway to Eternia at the Temple of Between. Arvela, determined to fix the problems that had resulted from her bad decision, linked her mind with the Starchild's and helped her open the gate while Orko, Bowena, and He-Man held off Angast and his soldiers.

