The Masters of the Universe book series is a collection of tie-in books for the Masters of the Universe franchises. The original series was released for the 1981 toyline for younger readers, but later expanded for other franchises.
Golden Books [ ]
Golden Super Adventures [ ]
He-Man [ ]
She-Ra [ ]
Golden Heroic Champions [ ]
He-Man [ ]
She-Ra [ ]
He-Man [ ]
She-Ra [ ]
She-Ra, the Princess of Power
Little Golden Books [ ]
Golden Book Videos [ ]
Kid Stuff [ ]
He-Man [ ]
Battle Under Snake Mountain
The Secret of the Sword Part I: The Sword of She-Ra
The Secret of the Sword Part II: The Princess of Power
She-Ra [ ]
Mattel [ ]
Ladybird [ ]
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe [ ]
World International Publishing [ ]
He-Man Annuals [ ]
She-Ra Annuals [ ]
She-Ra World Books [ ]
She-Ra Mini-World Books [ ]
Scholastic [ ]
She-Ra Chapter Books [ ]
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Activity Book The Power Is Yours
He-Man Tales of Eternia [ ]
Misc Activity Books [ ]
Masters of the Universe Mad Libs World's Greatest Word Game
Forge of Destiny TPB (2024)
Turtles of Grayskull TPB (2025)
Other Non-Fiction [ ]