Wiki Grayskull

Masters of the WWE Universe action figures came packaged with a mini comic. Most figures came with their own mini comic, which consisted of a cover, a title page/bio, one page of comic story, and a back cover with a cross-sell of the figures in that wave.

There were a total of 8 waves of figures, with 4 figures in each wave except wave 8 which only had 3 figures.

The Wave 7 mini comics are a Front Cover, and a Bio on the back cover, with 2 blank pages on the inside. No one page comic, no cross-sell image.

Wave 8 mini comics are a single piece of paper with just the cover and bio.

Wave 1[]

Wave 2[]

Wave 3[]

Wave 4[]

Wave 5[]

Wave 6[]

Wave 7[]

Wave 8[]
