Not so Blind is the 101st episode of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. He-Man and Ram Man befriend a blind boy and take him on adventure, which takes a dangerous turn when the heroes are themselves blinded.
Prince Adam: "So, children, what did you learn from the story?"
Little Boy #1: "Even thought Loos is blind, he's just like the rest of us."
Little Boy #2: "Yeah, and because he learned to use his other senses he helped He-Man."
Storyteller: "That's right. Just because a person is blind or handicapped, well, it doesn't mean that they're helpless."
Little Girl: "Yeah. They have feelings and want to do stuff like we do, too."
Prince Adam: "And who knows? You might learn as much from them as they do from you."
Heroic Warriors[]
- Loos
- Storyteller
Evil Warriors[]
- Skeletor (mentioned)
- John Erwin as He-Man/Prince Adam and Ram Man
- Alan Oppenheimer as Man-At-Arms, the Storyteller and salesman
- Linda Gary as little boy #1 and little boy #2
- Lou Scheimer (credited as Erik Gunden) as Attak Trak
- Erika Scheimer as Loos, little girl and mother
Behind the Scenes[]
- Script was approved May 22, 1984 and final script revision took place July 13, 1984.
- In the first draft of Robert Lamb's script, Lizard Man took the place of Ram Man.
- The character models for Loos and the Storyteller were designed by Lewis Ott. He also designed the character of Loos' mother, but her scenes were never animated. However, this design was reused as Serena in the She-Ra: Princess of Power episode Book Burning.
- Background elements used for the collapsing bridge scene are reused from a similar scene in Fraidy Cat.
- The animated sequence of He-Man pulling up the rope bridge was previously seen in Dawn of Dragoon.
- Two of the children's character models will be reused as the ones that ask Filmation to tell them a story in the She-Ra: Princess of Power episode The Crown of Knowledge.
- The character models used for three of the children will be reused as Bryan, Cory and Sera in the She-Ra: Princess of Power episode Book Burning.
External links[]
- Frank's He-Man page
- Internet Movie Database
- The TVDB
- TVmaze
- Gallery courtesy of He-Man Reviewed