Wiki Grayskull

For the New Adventures of He-Man episode, see The Games (Jetlag episode).

The Games is the 128th episode of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.

(Ink & Paint DVD booklet description: The Bendari, an alien race from a world with no evil, come to Eternia wanting to pit the greatest representatives of good and evil against one other. Teela forces Adam to keep training, so the Bendarians select Fisto instead of He-Man, as Skeletor uses his latest invention the Evilgizer to increase the evil powers of Spikor, making him the Bendarian's selection. It soon becomes apparent that evil will cheat, which is perfectly acceptable behavior for the villains! When it appears that Fisto is going to lose He-Man takes over, against impossible odds...)


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Man-At-Arms: "Today we learned about the value of trying even when the odds are against you. Sometimes, when people around us aren't playing by the rules or the job seems too big, it's easy to become discouaraged. That's when you really have to stick with it and keep trying. Because that's how winners are born. So, whether you're playing a game or doing your schoolwork, no matter how far behind you think you are, don't give up. Remember, you can't win if you don't try. See you next time."


Heroic Warriors[]

Evil Warriors[]




Behind the Scenes[]

  • Script was approved September 10, 1984.



External links[]

Based on:
Production Order