The Hidden Symbols Mystery is a mini comic that theoretically came packaged with one of the She-Ra dolls in 1985. (Probably Bow)
The feline foe, Catra captures Bow by appearing to him as a cat stuck in a tree. Her fiendish plan is to turn Bow evil.
Kowl sees the capture and alerts Adora of Bow's capture. Adora and Spirit transform.
When She-Ra, Swift Wind and Kowl arive at the spot of the trouble, they see neither Catra nor Bow, only a strange piece of cloth with mysterious drawings on it. They seek out the help of an old sage.
The Wizardress gives She-Ra a kind of decoder which looks like a magnifying glass and it turns out they've found a map. Following it, She-Ra discovers Catra who is just about to magically steal Bow's heart (literally!) because he refused to join her. The Princess of Power grabs Bow and flees with him on Swift Wind. She claims to have used a trick, but that's not visible.
Princess of Power[]
The Evil Horde[]