Wiki Grayskull
This article is about the Mike Young Productions character. You may be looking for the original character.

Whiplash as seen in the Mike Young Productions animated series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2002).


Whiplash features in the 2002 revival of the Masters of the Universe toy line and cartoon. The new series offers a new background to his character, but unlike most of the other villains, whose roles and characters are expanded upon, his portrayal is significantly weaker than his 1980s counterpart. In this incarnation, Whiplash is generally consigned to background appearances, with little dialogue and little personality, seeming to be little more than a generic thuggish villain. The only episode to offer him a spotlight role is Underworld in which his background is revealed. In this episode, we see that he is from a race of underground-dwelling reptile creatures called the Caligars, who inhabit Subternia and are caught in permanent dispute with their Subternian neighbours, the bat-like Speleans. The Caligars are shown to be a generally peaceful race, who regard Whiplash as a traitor since he joined Skeletor's forces. However, even in this episode Whiplash receives little dialogue and serves little importance to the overall story. Another notable episode for the character is The Monster Within, in which he is shown to suck up to Skeletor, feigning sycophantic loyalty to impress his master, but this is as far as his development goes, and he quickly fades out of the series, consigned completely to the background by the time of season two.


He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2002)[]

Season One (2002-2003)

Season Two (2003-2004)

Comic Book appearances[]

